Le bordel (2007)


Created by Sarah Joy Stoker

Performed by Stephen Lush and Sarah Joy Stoker

Original score by Jon Swyers

20 min duet


Le bordel is the expression of an intimate and personal response to global concerns. It juxtaposes private events with public events, and human response with political response, to translate a shared emotional experience and link between people, cultures and ideologies. It is an honest response to a brutal world and a search for where humanity intersects to promote empathy, healing and reaffirmation.

Funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, The Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council and the City of St. John's

Nov. 2005, North Street Church, Co-production with Sally Morgan, Halifax, NS

Nov. 2005, CORD (Congress on Research in Dance) International Conference on Dance and Human Rights, Tangente, Montreal

2003, Festival of New Dance, St. Johns, NL